Tuesday, April 16, 2013

finding the joy

When you have a baby, everyone wants to give you advice.  Some of it, you use.  Other bits, you smile and nod and think, I will never do that.  Although I've heard some great advice and some not-so-great advice from seasoned mothers, friends, and random people at the grocery store, there is always one thing that everyone ends with.

Enjoy it - they grow up so fast.

As I sit here typing this, I can hardly believe that I am planning my daughter's first birthday party.  She's gone from sleeping on my chest as a little peanut to taking her first steps.  I nearly cried when I had to purchase some pajamas from the "toddler" section of Carters.  Where is my baby? My sweet little bundle all wrapped up in my arms, the one I witnessed take her first breath on this earth - she has become a curious little girl with a bundle of personality just bubbling over.

And my heart aches a little.  It's not exactly a sad ache, but the type of overflowing, loving, sentimental ache that only a mother can truly understand.  It's joy and pain all wrapped up in one.  It's excitement for what's to come but longing for what has passed.  The days are often long, but oh, the time is short. 

There aren't enough moments for the love we feel for this girl.

1 comment:

  1. She is just oh so dang adorable. Love her bare feet in the last one. Hope I can meet her soon!
