Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Last week, I turned 23.  

23.  That sounds so.... old.  So... mid-twenties. (I can already hear the complaints from the 30-somethings, talking about I am still so young. I know.)

And guess what?! I got my first surprise party! (At least, the first one that was actually a surprise.)  Chris was so sweet and so sneaky.  He invited several of my friends to take over our home while we were out to eat for birthday dinner.  When we got home and I opened the door, everyone yelled "Surprise!" and scared me half to death.  I actually screamed.  We enjoyed some good company, frozen yogurt, and the Red Wings game before we hit the bowling alley.  It was so much fun - I can't believe he pulled it off so well! What a great guy.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

rub a dub dub!

Evie has always loved baths in the tub.  As soon as we started bathing her in her tub rather than the sink, she would get so excited, kicking and splashing away.

Now that Evie is pulling up and standing like crazy, she has started climbing out of her little whale tub. She actually climbed over the side of the big tub once - yikes! (Good thing we were right there to catch her.)  So we decided a couple days ago that she has graduated from her baby tub to bathing in the big tub.  

She absolutely loves it. 

She really seems to enjoy the freedom of being able to crawl around in the shallow water.  Plus, there's much more room for bath toys.  

It's just amazing how quickly she is growing, changing, and learning.  I'm so happy to watch her grow up, but it's happening too fast!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Liebster Award

My dearest friend Alyssa nominated my little corner of the internet for the Liebster Award! So humbling - I wasn't even sure that people read this thing.  Thanks Alyssa! Check out her sweet blog here.

Alright, the rules for the Liebster Award are as follows:

  1. List 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you left
  3. Ask 11 new questions for those you nominate
  4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate
  5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award
  6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog

So... 11 Random Facts about Me:
1.) I went to the same small private school from Kindergarten until 12th grade! Although it didn't have as much to offer as a large public school, my class of 22 literally became a second family to me during those years.  Nothing beats that.

2.) I met my love when we were only babes! I was 17, and he was 19.  We were engaged when I was 19, married when I was 20, and pregnant when I was 21... whew!  

3.)  My baby girl Everlyn is the song of my heart.  Motherhood has surely been the most difficult thing I have ever done, but it is also the most meaningful.

4.) I love the feeling of putting on a brand new pair of knee socks.  So wonderful! 

5.) Spiders are my greatest fear, followed closely by lice, which I have thankfully never had.

6.) I love to learn.  I didn't realize how much I loved learning until after I had graduated college.  As much as I don't miss homework and all-nighters, I just miss the chance to learn and ask questions of those who are experts in their fields!

7.) I am sooo indecisive.  Even once I make a decision, I second-guess myself and often change my mind. 

8.) The sound of a summer rain is the most soothing sound to me.

9.) I hardly ever paint my fingernails, and I prefer to keep them very short.  However, I don't bite my nails.  I have soft teeth and hard nails - this is my life, haha.

10.) I look forward to long drives because it gives me the opportunity for uninterrupted thought.  I'm such an introvert, so I love to just think to myself in solitude.

11.) The thought/sight of blood makes me woozy.  I even fainted and puked in second grade after I got a paper cut.

Now, the 11 questions I have been asked:
1.) If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Hmm... this is a tough one.  If you would have asked me when I was 5, I would've said Kimberly since that was the name of the pink power ranger.  I obviously love the name Everlyn, but since that's too predictable, I'll go with Adeline.  Or maybe Remy.

2.) What do you like most about where you live?
I love that our part of Michigan is so close to so many different lifestyles.  Want to spend time in the city? Detroit is only 20 minutes away.  How about the country? Head north and you'll find wide open spaces, farmland, and small towns.  Not to mention, Canada isn't too far either. 

3.) What is your favorite kind of music? 
I don't know if I have a favorite "kind" per say.  I love acoustic-y sounding songs.  I like music with lyrics to which I can relate.  But you might also find me belting some One Direction - not because I love it, but because it's so catchy.

4.) What do you cherish most in your relationships?
Two things - time and acceptance.  If you want to be close to me, you've got to spend quality time with me.  And I love the kind of people who I don't feel like I need to quickly pick up my house for or put on trendy clothes if they are going to come over.  I just want someone who comes to be with me - no judgments.  Even if that means I'm wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. 

5.) What is your most favorite memory?
Oh, I don't think I can pick just one favorite.  My high school Senior trip to Florida is up there, along with our wedding.  I think the top one I can think of right now is when I told Chris I was pregnant.  It was super early in the morning, and I just ran in the bedroom, shook him awake, and said, "Chris - I'm pregnant!" The look on his face was priceless.

6.) Is there a language you would like to learn, if so what language?
Yes! Two, actually - Spanish and Italian. Oh, and sign language. I really want to learn that.

7.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? 
My youth pastor's wife, Amber.

8.) What is your favorite quote or saying?
There are many, but I often find myself repeating, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." It's so true.

9.) Ideal pet?
Llama named Babydoll.

10.) Why did you start a blog?
Oh... honestly, I didn't have a good reason when I started, other than I wanted to remember the special moments in life that are so fleeting.  But now, I think everyone has a story.  Their story.  And each story is worth sharing.  We're better together - we can learn from each other, help each other grow, challenge each other, and relate to the things that other people go through.  Everyone has a story to tell.

11.) Favorite museum ?
I honestly haven't been to many museums. How about the zoo? It's a... museum of animals. :)

My Questions for You:
1. If you could switch places with anyone for a day, who would you choose?
2. Favorite season and why
3. Who is your greatest role model? (And don't say Jesus.)
4. What is one thing you hope the next generation will change?
5. If you had to live every day in the same pair of shoes, what shoes would you pick?
6. How many children do you hope to have? (And do you have names picked out?)
7. What are three words you would hope someone would use to describe you? 
8. What is your worst habit?
9. What is your favorite scent?
10. In one sentence, what do you believe is the purpose of life?
11. If you could excel in any special skill or talent, what would you choose?

Now I nominate:
Keilah Keilah Joyce
Amber Village Casa
Kate Love's Path
Lisa Momma Rance's Journal
Missy My Scarlet Baby
A Remember All The Way
Jessica Be Still And Smile
Melissa Banking On It
Elizabeth Truth: A Mosaic of Revelations
Holly Holly's Talking Hands
Emilie Capturing This Lifesong

Happy blogging! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

An Early Taste of Spring

Spent some time outside with my baby girl today.  It was warm and sunny.  When we weren't outside, we were watching out the back door.

She's a summer girl, just like her mama.

It's amazing that, just a week ago, it looked like this...

But that's Michigan for you I suppose.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

she calls me mama

"For this child I prayed...."

I'm still amazed every day that we are parents.  This is our daughter.  After angry prayers, some long nights, and many tears, God gave us this beautiful baby girl.

Thank You. We are blessed.

One of my favorite little moments during my days at home with Evie is when I'm in the kitchen doing dishes or preparing dinner.  She comes loudly crawling behind me, chanting, "Ma-ma-ma-ma."  I know that she probably doesn't attach any meaning to those little babbles.

But I do. 

Yes love. I am your mama. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Sleep Battle


I wish someone would have told me that a baby who eventually sleeps through the night will just as easily go back to not sleeping through the night.  I guess I was just naive. :]  This last week has been a real doozy when it comes to bedtime/naptimes.  I've read about the so-called "eight month sleep regression."  I guess that's what we're going through? I don't know.  Everlyn has never been a good sleeper, which is why I hate when people ask me, "Is she a good baby?"  How am I supposed to answer that? She's a happy, playful, curious, stubborn baby girl who just happens to loathe sleep. 

But we're talking a real battle here now.  A war.  I am fighting for every minute of shuteye I can get.

The thing is, I don't have a clue what to do.  Evie falls asleep, only to be wide awake as soon as she touches her mattress.  So I rock her, I sing, I shush.  We play soft music or white noise.  She eventually turns into a wet noodle in my arms, only to perk right up and start wailing when I lay her down.  My guess is that she's experiencing separation anxiety.  She stops crying as soon as we open her bedroom door.  (Not to mention all the growing and developing her little body is going through.)

But the more reading I do, the more uncertain I am of what to do.  Most moms/parents/experts/random people who want to give advice/ fall into one of two categories.  The first is the "cry-it-out" group.  They say things like, "It's hard, but you have to let her cry." Or, "Babies cry! That's what they do."  The most compelling thing I've heard is, "We let our younger ones cry-it-out, and they became much happier babies and better sleepers later on." Then there is the "attachment parenting" group.  These people often co-sleep with their babies, though not always.  They advocate for running to the baby immediately every time he/she cries.  They'll say things like, "Babies only cry when they need something." Or they'll say, "A baby who cries himself to sleep has lost hope that his parents can be trusted."  Or, my favorite, "There's a reason why your instinct tells you to go comfort your child." 

Again, ugh.

I can't seem to figure out which group I belong in.  On one hand, I want my daughter to know that I will always be there for her when she needs me.  I want her to trust me.  My mama heart does tell me to go comfort her.  On the other hand, I want Evie to learn to be a good sleeper.  I want her to be well-rested and develop good habits.  And I know that sometimes (most of the time) the right thing to do may not feel easy.  So what I've ended up with thus far is an inconsistent, mostly-attached-until-further-notice "style" of dealing with sleep.  What does that look like? For now, Chris and I take turns putting Evie to bed.  When she starts crying, we give her a few minutes before one of us returns to her room.  This continues until we get lucky and she stays asleep or until she is too exhausted to fight it anymore.  She undoubtedly wakes again around two or three, only for us to have to go through the entire routine again.  This usually takes about an hour and a half.  At naptimes, I usually end up spending more time rocking her than she actually spends sleeping.  And although people have often suggested co-sleeping, Chris and I decided before Evie was born that we do not believe in co-sleeping with our babies.  For one, I know of too many parents who can't get their children to sleep in their own beds because they have always co-slept. (We're talking some kids as old as ten. Ten years.) Furthermore, parenting takes such a toll on marriage as it is, so we believe that our bed should be sacred.  So, no co-sleeping for us. What to do? I wish I knew what the right thing was.  But I'm beginning to suspect that there is no "right" way, which doesn't help me either.   

So here I am... sleep-deprived until further notice.

Friday, January 4, 2013

just another day

There is nothing special about today, yet there are so many special things about today.  I get to spend another wonderful day at home with my daughter.  And although she makes it difficult to get anything done, I love just being with her.  

My love.