Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Unavoidable Questions

When are you getting married? 

Then you get married.

When are you going to have a baby?

So you have a baby.

Ready for number two?

Sheez louise people! Evie will only be 6 months tomorrow, but I've already heard this question from countless people.  The truth is, I would be thrilled to have another baby sometime in the near future.  Unfortunately, another baby will probably require careful planning, medical assistance, and several doctor appointments.  It's somewhat exhausting when I think about all of the effort that went in the first time, so thinking of doing all that again definitely puts a damper on my spirits.  Sometimes, I feel guilty or even greedy when I think about wanting another baby.  I know of so many couples who are still hoping, praying, and trying for their first baby.  

We have already been so blessed with our daughter.  Is it wrong for me to dare hope for more children?

And then I also think of what a journey motherhood has been.  Between a difficult recovery, a very needy newborn who cried all night, and the battle of PPD, I sometimes question my strength as a mother.  Do I have what it takes? Or, as Time magazine put it, am I mom enough? I want to be. 

For now, I will continue to enjoy the blessings and joys of my beautiful daughter. She was worth the wait.  And even if she ends up being our only child, we will be blessed more than we ever deserved.

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