Saturday, July 31, 2010

Busy Days and Big Decisions

Well, Chris and I are married now (obviously) and loving every crazy minute of it! We are still learning about how to communicate, cook, and everything in between. I couldn't have found a more perfect husband.

I (Erica) am also learning what it means to be a pastor's wife. First of all, it means a CRAZY schedule that could change at any minute. We barely ever have down time! Sometimes I fear that the "busyness" of ministry gets in the way of the mission of ministry - to reach others. Then again, there is a business side of ministry that many people fail to recognize. Learning to balance is the key.

I (still Erica) am also contemplating a degree change... going into my Junior year of college!!! (Crazy, I know.) I would REALLY like to do Global Missions, but no local schools offer that. So instead, I think I may switch from Elementary Mathematics to Social Work, although my advisor is begging me to stay. I'm still praying about it, but I have been feeling a sense of peace and excitement about the opportunities that Social Work offers, so we will see. Prayers would be appreciated :D

Well, I'm off to do some more laundry after having our washing machine broken for 3 days. Life is good. :)