Monday, October 28, 2013

Evie speak

I have been amazed these last few weeks at how many new words Evie is picking up.  She is very aware of the things we say and the sounds we make, and she often will imitate us at the most funny moments.  It has made me realize that we need to be careful to use our language in a thoughtful way at all times.  I want to share some of Evie's words - her version of them and what I have found that they mean.

hi - hi
muh - milk
mama - mama :) She often says this repeatedly now because she likes when I respond with, "Yes?"
dada - daddy
dah-dah - doggy, not to be confused with "daddy"
sop - soup
bah-bah or bah-boo - baby; she says this as she pats my tummy or if she sees a baby
up - this means both up and down, which can get confusing
cheese - cheese
wa-wa - water
side - outside
teez - toothbrush
night-night - bedtime
hep - help
tig - tiger, her favorite toy
hey - hey or hi
tee-tee - TV
bye-bye - bye, also she uses this to reference cars
home - home
sah - sock
shez - shoes
two - two; she counts to three, but usually skips one; she sometimes uses this to mean again
dah - please; not sure why she says "dah" for please but can clearly say cheese, peas, etc.

There are more, but many are slipping my mind at the moment.  I love that we are slowly starting to understand each other better. I just love that little girl!

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