Wednesday, January 16, 2013

rub a dub dub!

Evie has always loved baths in the tub.  As soon as we started bathing her in her tub rather than the sink, she would get so excited, kicking and splashing away.

Now that Evie is pulling up and standing like crazy, she has started climbing out of her little whale tub. She actually climbed over the side of the big tub once - yikes! (Good thing we were right there to catch her.)  So we decided a couple days ago that she has graduated from her baby tub to bathing in the big tub.  

She absolutely loves it. 

She really seems to enjoy the freedom of being able to crawl around in the shallow water.  Plus, there's much more room for bath toys.  

It's just amazing how quickly she is growing, changing, and learning.  I'm so happy to watch her grow up, but it's happening too fast!


  1. Hi! Thank you for my award! I can't wait to get to know you more through your blog!

  2. No problem! I've been reading your blog for awhile (LOVE hearing about your sweet daughter!), but I just added you to my blog roll. Thanks for taking the time to participate!

  3. Love her little hot ass
