Friday, December 28, 2012

Another Diagnosis, Finally

I have been struggling with my Hashimoto's diagnosis for almost two years now.  I certainly felt the symptoms before that, but I was unable to give them a name.  Thanks to this autoimmune disorder, I found myself extremely exhausted all. the. time.  My hair was very dry, I was always cold, and I had some digestive issues from time to time.  Plus, Hashimoto's took away our chances of getting pregnant on our own, at least for the time being.  I've been on medication since the diagnosis.  I also see my doctor every 8 weeks or so in order to get blood work done to test my thyroid levels.  

During these last two years, I have done extensive research on autoimmune diseases.  It is very alarming how common they are becoming, especially in women.  In my research, I have found two primary ideas of thought - medicinal and natural.  I see value in both approaches, so it is difficult for me to be 100% on either side.  However, despite being on medication and seeing my levels "regulate," I still feel like a walking zombie every day.  I literally feel like I could sleep all day.  I am most awake in the evening, which is apparently opposite of a healthy person.  My thinking is foggy, and I just don't feel a zest for life anymore.  In short, I'm not feeling better.

Chris and I see a chiropractor on a fairly regular basis.  She is so passionate about naturally healing the body, and she also specializes in nutrition.  Today, she did some basic tests and told me that I am not only suffering from Hashimoto's, but from adrenal exhaustion. (I looked up the symptoms as soon as I got home - spot on.) She explained that this is what is causing me to feel so fatigued, especially in the morning after a seemingly good night of sleep.  She is ordering some herbal supplements for me to try.  As hesitant as I have been to jump on the "let nature cure you" bandwagon, I now feel that I have nothing to lose.  Doctors are clearly not getting the whole picture, and I truly feel that most prescriptions (at least, in my case) are only masking symptoms rather than treating the root cause of illness.

My herbal supplements should be here in a few days or so.  Here's hoping that there is healing in sight.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Those Precious Babies

I don't want to talk too much about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting yesterday, but I feel like I have to at least recognize what a tragic event it was.  

We don't normally watch TV around here (we don't even have cable), but I was glued to the screen all day yesterday as every channel covered the horrible story in Connecticut.  The world lost 20 precious children far too soon.  There are parents who will not celebrate this Christmas, but instead mourn the sudden loss of their babies.  Family members will grieve for the teachers and staff who lost their lives in the line of fire.  

I just can't wrap my mind around it.

The whole day, all I could do was think of my Evie.  How would I feel if she was the victim of such a horrible act? My heart broke into a million pieces just thinking about it.  I can not imagine what those parents and families are going through.  

Hug your loved ones.  Never go to bed angry.  We are not guaranteed our tomorrows.

"It's a good world gone real bad, and only Love can bring it back."