Thursday, April 3, 2014

every morning

Every morning, Evie wakes up groggy and cranky and wanting breakfast immediately.  Every morning, she screams when we ask to change her diaper and when her breakfast isn't ready right when she wants it.  Every morning, there are many tears.

Every morning.

It's no secret that the toddler years can be difficult for parents to maneuver.  Children begin to find their independence, and they test the boundaries that parents set.  This is all normal.  But it's still so hard.  I have really found myself struggling recently with some of Everlyn's behaviors.  Make no mistake, she absolutely adores her new sister, but she's not so thrilled about having to share the time and attention that was once all hers.  There are many tears and tantrums and time-outs in my days.  Sometimes I find myself so frustrated or angry that I want to lock myself in the bathroom just to have five minutes of peace and clarity.  It's during these times that I am gently reminded of His mercy.  His mercies are new every morning.  

Every morning.

When I stop to think about it, the similarities between my relationship with Evie and my relationship with God are quite astounding.  Only, in the latter, I am the misbehaving child - the one who constantly makes the same bad decisions.  Oh how frustrating I must be as a child of God!  I'll admit that it's difficult to remember these things in the thick of the daily struggle, but as I reflect on my parenting choices at the end of the day, I make it a point to pray and refocus for the day to come.  I need to be filled with grace and patience with the beautiful daughters God has given me.  He has been merciful with me, and I need to be merciful with them.

His mercies are new every morning.
And for that, I am so grateful.

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