Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Amber's birth story - part 2

As we were getting ready for our c-section, the head OB came in to do another internal exam.  She told us that, although I was still losing blood, it seemed to be better controlled.  They had also been able to get more consistent heart tones from the baby.  All of this meant that our c-section would not be an emergency surgery; instead, Chris would be able to accompany me.  I would also remain awake.  This was such a relief! Then, as she was examining me, she commented that what she felt was not the placenta, but clots.  I wasn't sure exactly what that meant, and she didn't elaborate - instead, she left briefly.  When she came back, she told us that she was cautiously optimistic that we might be able to have this baby naturally! We were thrilled!  I don't know how things changed so quickly, but I am so incredibly thankful that they did.

We were quickly transferred to a labor and delivery room.  At this point, my contractions were very close together, and I was in a lot of pain.  It got so intense that I began vomiting... not fun.  However, I was only at 5 cm.  The nurse offered me pain medications, but I declined.  I was determined to labor naturally.  My mother-in-law came in, followed soon by my mom.  (Chris' sister went to stay at our house with Evie.) At this point, things are a little blurry for me.  I know the residents came in a few times to check my progress, but all I remember is a whirlwind of pain and what seemed like one endless contraction.  This fuzzy time only lasted about twenty five minutes though, because that's how long it took me to go from 5 cm to complete.  The nurse was so sweet, too - I must've paged her three times or so within those last five minutes because I really felt like I needed to push, but my body just wasn't quite ready until that last call.  The doctors came in, our moms left, and I was told to push during my next contraction.  The pain during the actual delivery was so much worse than I remember with Evie, but luckily, it didn't last long.  I pushed through three contractions before our beautiful baby's head came out.

There was a frantic hush among the doctors as they realized that the cord was wrapped around her neck not once, not twice, but three times.  They quickly worked to unwrap the cord before her tiny, slippery body came sliding out.  Finally, we heard her beautiful cries. I immediately said, "It's a girl!" Chris and I both began to tear up.  They placed her immediately on my chest where she spent the next hour or so, nursing and cuddling.  It was such a precious, sacred time - one that I wish I would have had with Everlyn when she was born.  It really helped establish a deep, initial bond.

We named our sweet baby Amber Wilde.  Amber is the name of my youth pastor's wife.  She was such an important role model in my life, and her influence really showed me the kind of wife and mother I want to be.  She is a beautiful person, inside and out.  If our daughter grows up to be the same kind of woman as her, we will have done something right as parents.

Amber Wilde Hansen
Born 2/26/2014 at 4:34 am
7 lbs., 5 oz. and 19 inches long

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