Sunday, February 23, 2014

the happenings

I know it's been a long time since I've updated this little corner, but whenever I sit down to do it, I am just so exhausted.  So much has happened, not necessarily in our lives, but in the lives of some people we dearly love.  It's been an emotional few months.

For starters, Evie and I have been sick on and off since the beginning of December.  We both had the flu, then I had bronchitis for a month and she got a virus.  Just as we were on the mend, she got an ear infection and a sinus infection.  My poor baby.  As of now though, we are all doing much better and are hoping to stay that way.

A few weeks ago, one of Chris' oldest and dearest friends was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer.  (Only 50 cases in history.) He went from being diagnosed one day to surgery the next and has already finished his first round of very aggressive chemo.  Perhaps the thing that makes this so much more difficult is that he is supposed to get married in October.  My heart is absolutely broken for this diagnosis, but I fully believe that God is our Healer and can use this as an incredible testimony.  In the mean time, Chris asked me to buzz his head in support of his friend.  

And oh, there are so many other hard things happening to those around us.  My brother is being tested for MS.  A friend recently suffered a miscarriage.  Another of Chris' old friends lost his father to a sudden heart attack.  A mother from MOPS has been staying with her new baby girl in the hospital for several weeks now after the baby had open heart surgery and many complications.  

There is just. so. much.

And yet, here we are, eagerly awaiting the arrival of our second precious baby, who could come any day now.  It almost feels wrong to be experiencing such joy and anticipation as we watch those we love go through the darkest of times.  I know that we are to laugh with those who laugh and weep with those who weep, which we have been doing, but I feel guilty asking others to laugh with us in our happy times when they may be hurting.  And yet, I know that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Perhaps the joy we have to share with others in our good moments will be the strength they need to get through their own difficult ones.

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