Thursday, June 28, 2012

Father's Day

I know that Father's Day was a few weeks ago now, but I've been meaning to share some thoughts on it for awhile.

If you know me well at all, you probably know that my relationship with my own father is far less than stellar.  It has pretty much always been that way, though it has recently gotten worse.  When I announced my engagement to Chris, my dad basically disowned me for two years.  He refused to speak to me at all, even when I was still living in my parents' house before returning to school in Tennessee.  When I went back to school, he never called.  And even though he ended up coming to our wedding (no one was sure if he'd show up), he did not walk me down the aisle or dance with me.  And for the first year of our marriage, he remained absent and silent in my life. 

When my mom finally filed for divorce, my dad made a half-hearted attempt at reconciliation with Chris and me.  He took us out to dinner and apologized for the way he had acted toward both of us.  Fast forward a few months and he is silent yet again.  I have not heard from him since February.  He hasn't even seen Evie. 

Needless to say, Father's Day was a bit difficult for me in some ways.  But what I am missing in a relationship with my own father is being made up for in the relationship Chris has already formed with our daughter.  He is such an amazing dad.  His personality profile describes his marriage type as a "help mate," and that is so true.  He carries more than his fair share in parenting, housework, and providing for our family.  I am blessed to be his wife, and Evie is blessed to have him as her dad.

Happy first father's day, love.  You're the best.

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