Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Any Day Now

I'm 39w3d pregnant today.  I can't believe it.  Everlyn could literally come at any time now! I'm feeling much less stressed now that school is done, graduation has passed, and we're finding time to get our house in order (sort of).  We still have lots to do, but I suppose we would always feel that way.  I think the craziest part is just knowing that she could make her arrival at any time, but not knowing when that time is! We thought she was going to come early based on how I was progressing, but things have slowed in the last couple weeks.  She might even be late.

Lots of people have asked me if I'm "done" being pregnant.  In some ways, yes.  These last few days have been increasingly more uncomfortable.  I think the worst part is the intense burning pain that I have in my ribs on my right side.  It's been there for about 10 weeks now, but it has gotten much worse.  I have a lot of trouble sleeping because of it.  I also think I've finally reached that "beached whale" stage, haha! I know my stomach has been big for awhile, but just recently has it gotten nearly impossible for me to go from sitting or lying down to standing without some difficulty.  But despite these discomforts, I'm a little sad that our journey is coming to an end.  I feel like I didn't get to fully enjoy the pregnancy experience because of school and my internship taking up so much time and causing such stress.  And as excited as I am to meet our baby girl, I know that she is going to grow up so fast.  I want to cherish every day of her sweet life, even before she is here with us.  I'm hoping that these next few days (or hours, or weeks) will allow me to soak in the last joys of being pregnant. 

Evie, we're ready for you.  (Sort of.)

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