Monday, May 9, 2011

CVS Covergirl Deals

Hey all! I'm working on a Covergirl products deal at CVS this week. I'm excited to go and see if it works!

CVS' ad this week includes a $3 off ANY $10 cosmetic purchase. All you have to do is scan your Extra Care card at the coupon center scanner in the store (looks like a price checker). There is also an ad for $3 in extrabucks when you buy $10 of Covergirl products. So here's what I'm working on so far...
Spend $10 in Covergirl products - get $3 off with coupon center coupon and $3 in extrabucks after purchase. Use $2.50 off 2 Covergirl products coupon (exp. 5/31). I will also use the $2.77 in extrabucks that I already have from last week's toothpaste purchase. So if I spend $10 exactly, I will pay $1.73 plus tax and get $3 in extrabucks!

I'll let you know if I try this deal and whether or not it works out!


  1. P.S. If you sign up for the CVS beauty club at, you'll receive a 10% off coupon in your email that is good toward beauty purchases. You'll also earn $5 extrabucks for every $50 you spend on beauty (includes hair care as well!). On your birthday, you'll get $3 extrabucks. I just signed up!

  2. Went today and got our deal... it worked! My 10% Beauty Club coupon expired yesterday though, so that didn't apply. I bought eyeliner for $7.99 and an eyeshadow for $3.89 (I think my total with tax was $12.54 at that point.) I used a $2.50 off 2 CG products, $2.77 in extrabucks from a previous purchase, $3 off $10 in cosmetics printable in store, and got $3 in extrabucks for spending $10 on CG products. I payed $4.14 out of pocket and got $3 back! Not bad I guess!
